A resource for the savvy creative small business owner.

Blossom Blog


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Here are some of the factors I consider when deciding whether someone is a good fit to work with me on a copywriting project…

Choosing the Right People to Work With: Life’s too short to work with people who aren’t nice

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A mishmash of some of my accomplishments, reflections, joys, and challenges from the first and second quarter of 2022:

2022: Blossom Copy’s Q1 and Q2 in Review

Blossom Copy 2022 Year in Review

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Writing good website copy is hard. Writing GREAT website copy is even harder and takes lots of practice. However, there are a few simple ways to upgrade your website copy today to make a notable difference in the way it looks, sounds, and converts browsers into inquiries or buyers.

5 Easy ways to upgrade your website copy

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While I’m not an expert or a career coach, I do have a few tips/thoughts on how to get started as a copywriter to share with you today:

How to Get Started as a Copywriter

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I’ve made PLENTY of mistakes, but I’ve also done lots of things well. Here are the top 10 best things I did for my business this year:

The 10 Best Things I did for My Business this Year

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Today, I want to share a personal roundup of some of my favorite people, places, and things from the last 12 months. 

My 2021 Favorites

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The other day a friend asked me how to start a business when you don’t have a lot of extra cash lying around. 

How to start a business with very little money (I spent <$200 in the first 9 months!)

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Before starting my business, I thought brand values (or core values, mission statements, principles, whatever you want to call them) had to be really formal and stale.

How to write your brand values

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Ever asked a client to write a testimonial, and they wrote something like this: “Micah was great! She was really cool”? Of course this sort of testimonial makes us feel warm and fuzzy, but it doesn’t do much to compel potential clients to work with us. Why? Because it doesn’t show a transformation. Great testimonials […]

A simple trick to get better testimonials