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Today, I want to share a personal roundup of some of my favorite people, places, and things from the last 12 months. 

My 2021 Favorites

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When it comes to selling your product or service as an online entrepreneur, you best believe nobody is going to care about your “Why” if your “What” sucks. 

Hot take: Your WHAT is more important than your WHY

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A list of a few items (almost) any entrepreneur would love to receive this season!

Holiday Gift Guide for Entrepreneurs

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This year was one for the books. Although I started freelance copywriting on the side in April 2020, I officially formed my LLC under Blossom Copy in January 2021 and took the business full-time.

2021: Blossom Copy’s Year in Review

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Just like in nature, there are seasons in business. When I made this seasonal mindset shift, I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Seasons in business and why they matter

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Preparing well in advance for the photos we wanted to take and the vibe we wanted to convey was key to achieving cohesive brand photos.

How to plan your brand photoshoot

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These terms that get thrown around like loose change in the online business space. I get asked this question a lot, so let’s take a moment to clarify.

SEO Copywriting vs. Conversion Copywriting: What’s the difference and why does it matter?

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The other day a friend asked me how to start a business when you don’t have a lot of extra cash lying around. 

How to start a business with very little money (I spent <$200 in the first 9 months!)

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I work with a TON of wedding photographers on their websites. I also got married this year and understand what it feels like to choose a photographer. And I’ve learned a lesson or two about writing a strong photography website.

4 Mistakes you might be making on your photography website

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Before starting my business, I thought brand values (or core values, mission statements, principles, whatever you want to call them) had to be really formal and stale.

How to write your brand values