Only 20% of the words on your website will be read. They better be incredible. 

Design attracts, but copy converts. Let's make sure the words on your website connect with the right people and compel them to take action.

Website Copy

My OG specialty

Website Copy

I've written website copy for over 200 creative small business owners and entrepreneurs. The number one thing I hear when I send it to them? "How did you get inside me head? This sounds just like me, only better!" Through my proven process, I'll define or refine the brand voice you know and love for more sales and resonance. 

  • 30 minute discovery call to nail your objectives, aesthetic, etc.
  • A client questionnaire to get your thoughts on paper
  • Thorough research on my end to understand your brand voice Wire-framing of copy layout
  • A LOOM video walking you through the document

  • 3 Page Package: $2,100
    Typically covers the Home, About, and Services pages of your website. 
  • 5 Page Package:  $3,000
    Best for more complex website with multiple distinct services or offers.

Payment plans available at no added cost


Your brand message, crafted in 3 easy steps:



How it works

Fill out my contact form in detail and I'll be in touch within two business days with more info and a link to book a discovery call. We'll hop on a 30 minute complimentary discovery call to get to know each other, talk about your business, and outline next steps. If it's a good fit, I'll send a project proposal!



Sign the contract and pay your deposit (33-50% of the project total) to book your spot on my calendar! I'll send a questionnaire for you to fill out and get to work on our your start date. I'll write for three weeks before sending you the first draft via Google Docs.



We'll go through a one week iterative revision process until it's perfect and ready to launch!

"Business has really grown exponentially since we created the website together last year! I get comments ALL the time on how great the copy is on my site."

–Tiffani Mitchell, Tiffani Mitchell Coaching




Our relationship is sure to blossom if...

You're a creative small business owner who understands the value of strong copy and design and  is ready to invest in your business.

You've been in business at least 6 months to 1 year and have clearly defined offers.

You understand this is a participatory process and the more you give, the better your final deliverables will be.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is the art and science of using words to elicit action. It grew in prominence in advertising in the 1960s (think Mad Men).

What is the difference between copywriting and content writing?

There is definitely crossover between the two styles, but also some distinct differences. Copy is aimed at inciting action towards a direct short term goal. Copywriters emulate their client's voice, not their own.

Content writing is about engaging, entertaining, and informing an audience. Think blogs, articles, op-eds, and scripts. Content writers write in their own voice. Copy developed out of advertising, while content developed out of journalism.

do you offer content writing?

In general, no, I don't do caption writing, blog writing, etc. The only caveat would be that my email newsletter writing service does have a decent amount of content writing!

Do you offer web design only?

Nope! I'm a firm believer that professional copywriting is just as important as professional web design and should have equal bearing on a project.

How long do your website copy projects take?

4 Weeks from the project start date, which we will choose on our discovery call.

What are your prices?

I believe in price transparency online, which is why all my prices are listed above! If you don't see your need above, inquire and I'm happy to chat about it. We can talk in detail about pricing and process on our discovery call. Payment plans are available for all my services.

what Goes into your pricing?

My pricing is based on factors such as:

-My years of experience in the field
-My degree in writing from a top 50 university
-My past client success and current client demand
-Industry averages and standards

Recent Work


4 years and 100+ clients in, I've got a few projects I'm pretty proud of: